In the guest blog below, originally written by Clive Longbottom from we learn about whether hybrid cloud is the future for operating IT platforms. This article will answer the questions one can have about moving to the hybrid cloud and will detail the steps to take and consider.
You can find Clive’s full blog below, as well as a link to the original at the bottom.
However, effective DevOps requires effective orchestration – tooling has to be carefully chosen to ensure that the right capabilities are in place to enable the right levels of intelligence in how functions are packaged, provisioned and monitored in a contextually aware manner such that the overall platform maintains the desired performance and capabilities the organisation demands.
This then brings in a need for better technical approaches in how functions are packaged: the rise of microservices provided via containers is taking over from large, monolithic packages and virtual machines (VMs).
Systems management becomes a different beast: not only do IT staff need to monitor and maintain functions that they own within their fully managed private cloud environment, but they also must monitor in a contextually aware manner those functions that are running in a public cloud environment. Ensuring that root cause analysis is rapidly identified and that remediation can be carried out in real time, with workloads being replatformed and redirected as required is a key requirement of a hybrid cloud platform.
A key area that many have struggled with is that although they know at a technical level that cloud is a better way forward, they have found it difficult to sell the idea to the organisation is ways that the business can understand. However, a simple approach known as a Total Value Proposition provides technical people with a better means of getting their point across to the business – and so acquiring the funding required to implement such a major change in technical platform.
Hybrid cloud is the future. No matter where you are in your journey to this, there are many pitfalls to avoid, and many areas of additional possible value that are too easy to miss out on.
Originally posted by Clive Longbottom here:
The Road to Hybrid Cloud

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