Server Virtualisation and Connectivity Services

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Organisations face a range of challenges when it comes to their IT systems. Having reliable network connectivity, and stable, low-latency external and internal networks help drive the rapid deployment of digital services.

Work with server and storage virtualisation vendors such as VMware, we look to drastically reduce your on-site hardware footprint and increase service uptime.

people smiling in the meeting room after discussing server virtualisation to help their business.

Our approach to server virtualisation

We’re committed to providing our customers with network hardware and server virtualisation technologies from some of the world’s leading vendors. Working with this range of partners allows us to provide outstanding levels of support and certified integration throughout the solution stack. 

Furthermore, by working with us you'll be able to quickly achieve your goals with the help of rapid deployment in a cost-effective manner that maximises the use of your existing hardware.

Our vendors

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NexStor is a VMware VIP Enterprise Partner – VMware software lets you virtualise your computing, storage and networking systems and manage them all centrally.

VMware products provide enterprise-class virtual machines that increase server utilization, performance, and system uptime, reducing the cost and complexity of delivering enterprise services. By leveraging your existing technology, VMware software enables the roll out of new applications with less risk and lower platform costs.

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